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            Τῇ πρωτοβουλίᾳ καί προσκλήσει τοῦ Μακαριωτάτου πατριάρχου Ἱεροσολύμων κ. κ. Θεοφίλου Γ΄, ἐπραγματοποιήθη εἰς Ἀμμάν Ἰορδανίας, «Ἀδελφική Συνάντησις» τῶν Προκαθημένων καί τῶν Ἐκπροσώπων τῶν Ὀρθοδόξων Ἐκκλησιῶν, ἀπό 25ης ἓως 27ης μηνός Φεβρουαρίου, 2020, ὑπό τήν προεδρίαν τοῦ Μακαριωτάτου Πατριάρχου Ἱεροσολύμων κ. κ. Θεοφίλου, λαβούσης χώραν εἰς τό ξενοδοχεῖον Fairmont.

            Εἰς τήν Συνάντησιν, μετέσχον οἱ πατριάρχαι Μόσχας καί πασῶν τῶν Ρωσιῶν κ. κ. Κύριλλος, συνοδευόμενος ὑπό τῶν Μητροπολίτου Κιέβου καί πάσης Οὐκρανίας κ. Ὀνουφρίου, Μητροπολίτου Βολοκαλάμσκ κ. Ἰλαρίωνος καί Πρωθιερέως π. Νικολάϊ Μπαλασόβ, Βελιγραδίου κ. κ. Εἰρηναῖος, συνοδευόμενος ὑπό τῶν ἀρχιερέων Μαυροβουνίου κ. Ἀμφιλοχίου, Μπάτσκας κ. Εἰρηναίου καί Κρούσεβατς κ. Δανιήλ, ὁ Μακαριώτατος Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Τσεχίας καί Σλοβακίας κ. κ. Ραστισλάβ καί οἱ ἐκπρόσωποι τῶν Ἐκκλησιῶν Ρουμανίας, Μητροπολίτης Τιργκοβιστίου κ. Νήφων καί Πολωνίας, Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Loublin καί Helm κ. Ἂβελ. Ἐπίσης μετέσχον οἱ ἀρχιερεῖς τοῦ Πατριαρχείου Ἱεροσολύμων, Καπιτωλιάδος κ. Ἡσύχιος, Βόστρων κ. Τιμόθεος, Κωνσταντίνης κ. Ἀρίσταρχος, Ἰορδάνου κ. Θεοφύλακτος, Ἀνθηδῶνος κ. Νεκτάριος καί Κυριακουπόλεως κ. Χριστοφόρος.

            Οἱ Προκαθήμενοι ἐγένοντο δεκτοί ὑπό τοῦ Ἂνακτος τῆς Ἰορδανίας Ἀμπντάλλα Β΄, ὃστις παρέθεσεν ἐπίσημον γεῦμα πρός τιμήν αὐτῶν καί συνεσκέφθησαν μετά τοῦ ὑπευθύνου διά τάς Χριστιανικάς ὑποθέσεις παρά τῷ Ἂνακτι, Πρίγκηπος Γάζη,  ὁ ὁποῖος παρέθεσεν ὡσαύτως ἐπίσημον δεῖπνον.

            Ἐν κατακλεῖδι τῆς Συναντήσεως, οἱ Προκαθήμενοι καί οἱ Ἐκπρόσωποι τῶν Ὀρθοδόξων Ἐκκλησιῶν, ἐξέδωσαν Κοινόν Ἀνακοινωθέν (Press Release),


The Amman Fraternal Familial Gathering of the Orthodox Primates and Delegates.

Dialogue and Unity

Φεβρουάριος 25-27/2020   –   Amman-Jordan

Press Release

On FEBRUARY 26, 2020, a meeting of Primates and Representatives of Local Orthodox Churches was held in Amman, Jordan, with the primary view of unity and reconciliation within Holy Orthodoxy. The participants noted their understanding of the anguish of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem for the imminent danger of schism within our Orthodox Communion.

Participating in the meeting were delegations of: the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem led by His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, the Russian Orthodox Church led by His Holiness Patriarch Cyril of Moscow and All Russia, the Serbian Orthodox Church led by His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, the Romanian Orthodox Church led by His Eminence Metropolitan Nifon of Targoviste, the Polish Orthodox Church led by His Eminence Archbishop Abel of Lublin and Chełm, and the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia led by His Beatitude Metropolitan Rastislav of the Czech Lands and Slovakia.

The participants expressed their gratitude to His Majesty King Abdullah II, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Hashemite Custodian of the Christian and Muslim Holy Places in the Holy Land and to the people of Jordan for facilitating the hosting of this gathering in their capital city, Amman, noting His Majesty’s outstanding work in promoting interfaith dialogue internationally.

The participants also thanked the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos for all the relentless efforts aimed at paving the way for dialogue and bringing brothers together in the precious spirit of unity, noting that the light that emanates from Jerusalem stands as a witness to that Holy City which continuously proclaims its multi-faith and multicultural tapestry rejoicing in its existence as the warm home for the three Abrahamic faiths, Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

The delegations declared that this gathering was to strengthen the fraternal bonds between brothers and their churches, to promote the bonds of peace in Christ among them, to advocate for the unity of the Orthodox churches, and to renew dialogue in the prayerful hope of bringing reconciliation where there has been discord.

In the atmosphere of fraternal love, those gathered for the meeting agreed that decisions concerning issues of Orthodox-wide importance, including the granting of autocephaly to particular Churches, should be finalised in a spirit of pan-Orthodox dialogue and unity, and with pan-Orthodox consensus.

Concerning the current ecclesiastical situation in the Ukraine the participants also recognised that a pan-Orthodox dialogue is necessary for healing and reconciliation.

In the matter concerning North Macedonia, the delegations stated that this matter is to be solved through dialogue within the Serbian Orthodox Church and with pan-Orthodox support.

Regarding Montenegro, the participating delegations urged the relevant authorities to respect and uphold the fundamental right of ownership of property including that of the Church.

The delegations agreed that they should gather as brothers, preferably before the end of this year, to strengthen the bonds of fellowship through prayer and dialogue. The participants hope that His Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew with his known seniority of honour (πρεσβεα τιμs) will join this dialogue along with his brothers Primates.

The delegations embraced the call of their brother Patriarch Theophilos III to hold a prayer for the world, for an end to war, sickness and suffering, and for all the Christians as well as for the unity of the Orthodox Church. This prayer is to be held in the Mother Church, the Church of the Resurrection (Holy Sepulchre) in Jerusalem, before the Holy Tomb of Christ, from which He rose and proclaims peace to the world.








